Friday, June 24, 2011

Follow Me Friday

So this is the first time I will be doing this! So I hope it works! Follow Me Friday! Super Stoked for this to be something I do every friday!

I wont have much of a post tonight or today due to the fact I am going to see Michael Buble in concert tonight! I am super excited!
So for the follow me Friday its hosted By parajunkee you can find all the offical rules and stuff at her blog and here it is  I also have her button on my site here also so check it out.  I am going to try to post on my blog on fridays what book I am currently reading. My plan is to have this full of reviews from books that I have already read in the last month or so I have a few. So watch because tomorrow night I will have more! That is if I dont get taken away by Micheal tonight. I know I know hes married and so am I but it doesnt mean I cant try. Ha ha in my most mencing laugh however I know I will be back to write more.

Currently Reading

Review to come on this book later!


  1. New follower here. Hope you get the chance to answer the weekly question. I'll be interested in seeing what you have to say. Enjoy your concert. :)

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  2. Hi, hope you have a wonderful time tonight! (And the rest of the weekend of course!)

    I'm a new follower! My FF can be found here!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever
