Mousy London lawyer Alice Love gets her identity stolen and finds her true self in this rocky tale of trust, personality makeovers, and a lying globe-trotting thief. "She didn't leave me any worse off, in the end," Alice says of Ella, a work pal who makes off with Alice's credit card info to set up a new life in Hollywood. But before the ruse is over, Alice retaliates by morphing into a compulsive stalker, taking on Ella's identity, and discovering that a lot of little lies add up to a whole lot of fun. The transformation nearly costs her the love of a good man, but Alice comes (nearly) to her senses by the time she corners her arch-frenemy. McDonald (The Popularity Rules) keeps the pace brisk, but a plot busy with an international chase and Alice's many reinventions proves on occasion too much to handle, and Ella, paradoxically, proves a more intriguing character than Alice. What works best is what lies beneath all the frantic action: a good old-fashioned romantic page-turner

Once we'd stowed my stuff in the back of my car, Ethan opened the car door and waited for me to get in. Even though I wanted to ask him so many questions, I was afraid to speak. It felt like we'd moved to a whole new level in our friendship, but I wasn't sure what that level was.
Every nerve ending urged me to hug him, to show my appreciation, but I was unsure. Would he pull away? I didn't need any more rejection in my life. "Thank you for being there," I said in an unsteady voice.
Ethan clasped my wrist and pulled me into his arms, holding me close. "I'll always be here for you."
I shuddered against his chest, mumbling into his flannel shirt. "You weren't at school and I didn't see you after practice. I thought for sure no one would hear me scream when those guys finally got their hands on--"
Warm fingers tilted my chin up. "I had something to do today, but I'd never leave you hanging. When I saw your stuff on the field and then I heard a guy yelling, 'She went this way,' in the woods..." he paused, tensing. "I freaked."
"You got to me just in time." I tried to smile but my lips trembled. "Who knew knights wore flannel shirts and Led Zeppelin tees?" I knew I sounded like a goof, but I didn't care. I wanted him to know how much his rescue meant to me.
Ethan leaned close and I closed my eyes as he lightly kissed my cheekbone, then my forehead. He had no idea that his gentle kiss had melted something inside me, how much I craved the physical connection. His warm lips lingered against my skin for a second before he took a step back and shoved his hands in his jean pockets.
"I'm no hero, Nara." His gaze narrowed briefly toward the woods. "Go home. I'll see you tomorrow."
Sixteen-year-old Riley Williams has been able to see ghosts
since the car crash that took her mother's life and shattered her family. Guilt-ridden over the belief that she's somehow responsible for her mom's death, Riley is desperate to see her mother's elusive spirit to gain her forgiveness.
When her father moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn't get worse––that is until the ghost of nineteen-year-old Ian MacKinnon catches her purposely cutting herself. An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley's falling hard for Ian.
In her latest effort, Rallison returns to themes of sibling rivalry and romance, familiar to readers of Revenge of the Cheerleaders (2007). Here, though, she adds fractured-fairy-tale magic to the breezy plot. Sixteen-year-old Savannah is devastated when her boyfriend dumps her for her studious older sister, and she dreams that her life will take a fairy-tale turn, complete with a handsome prince, a ball, and a happy ending. Her wishes bring the astonishing arrival of Chrissy, an aspiring fairy godmother. Still in training and not quite in command of her magical abilities, Chrissy sends Savannah through a chain of otherworldly mishaps, including visits to Cinderella and Snow White’s stories and finally to the Middle Ages, where Savannah defeats a cast of magical creatures and discovers that regular guys are sometimes preferable to princes. Memos from Chrissy and her professors alternate with Savannah’s often hilarious narrative. The irreverent references to familiar tales, romantic twists, and frequent comedic asides will delight fans of light fantasy, as will the likable characters, who move beyond stereotype.
Stephen couldn’t walk by the old pirate, outnumbered and losing a fight. Of course he had to help. He didn’t expect a ‘thank you’ for saving the Captain’s life, and he sure didn’t expect a gift, especially a gift like this! How could it be fairies are real, and yet he had no idea?
She is so beautiful… and so tiny. There’s no reason to stick together, except that Trisha might need his help, at least for the time being to stay safe. Besides, she can help him find his brother. But when they track him down, a secret comes out. The pirates want their fairy back and his brother is mixed up in the mess of it.
Everyone wants to find that special one, but “Phen” and Trisha both know they’re dreaming. How can they make a love like this work? And that’s a question for when they’re lives aren’t in danger.
When her father moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn't get worse––that is until the ghost of nineteen-year-old Ian MacKinnon catches her purposely cutting herself. An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley's falling hard for Ian.
Riley believes her gift could help Ian end the curse that has kept him tied to the land for centuries, but that would mean letting him go forever and she's not sure she is strong enough to do that. As if her life wasn't complicated enough, the malevolent spirit of the woman who killed Ian returns and she'll stop at nothing to keep Riley from helping Ian find eternal peace.

Stephen couldn’t walk by the old pirate, outnumbered and losing a fight. Of course he had to help. He didn’t expect a ‘thank you’ for saving the Captain’s life, and he sure didn’t expect a gift, especially a gift like this! How could it be fairies are real, and yet he had no idea?
She is so beautiful… and so tiny. There’s no reason to stick together, except that Trisha might need his help, at least for the time being to stay safe. Besides, she can help him find his brother. But when they track him down, a secret comes out. The pirates want their fairy back and his brother is mixed up in the mess of it.
Everyone wants to find that special one, but “Phen” and Trisha both know they’re dreaming. How can they make a love like this work? And that’s a question for when they’re lives aren’t in danger.
I do Believe I got all these books threw for .99cents! Wohoo me! watch for there reviews
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