Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thurday Morning

So I have had a bit of a crazy weekend and didnt get started on my next book which I am still currently reading until yesterday. So with all that being said my hopes of having this book finished in time for my next review is pushing me harder toget this done. I am currently reading a wonderful book so far its Songbird by Angela Fristoe
If you want to check this book out click the book
it will take you to
For you kindle owners this book is 2.99! I am super excited to finish this book and give you my review on it. I was stuck in a rut and was unsure of what to read next. I was browsing other book blogs when I stumbled upon this blog and felt in complete awe of her amazing blog and talent with her way with words check her out if you havent. Basically Amazing I found that she had reviewed this book and I wanted to see if I had the same review as her. So lets hope that I will.


  1. Hopping by from Parajunkee's! My Friday Follow answer is up! I'm a new follower.

  2. Hmmmm.... I only got as far as Twilight lol! Well, at least I gave the first book a shot, right?

    My FF post for this week is at the link below, if you want to check it out :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  3. I completely agree! New Moon one of the worst book ever! I am so not a Twilight fan!

    Our FF

    Suzanne @ Under the Covers
